mercredi 15 octobre 2008

Gucci baby ;)

Repéré sur le runway, j'ai essayé la ceinture double tour Gucci, star du défilé F/W 2008 ...
Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Spotted on the runday, i've tried the double Gucci belt, star of the F/W 2008 collection.
What do you guys think about it ?

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

yeah! its much better,

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Kevin @ myMANybags a dit…

Yeah, I love this belt! But could not bear to pay full price for it. So I am counting my fingers that it will still be around during sale season in the next 2 months. Hahaha:-) Nice blog. We all love our shopping!

My Shopping Addiction a dit…

thanks Kevin ;) i'm still on the fence about the belt